Die Jahreshauptversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft Cheltenham
Unsere Jahreshauptversammlung findet am 17. September um 19:30 Online über Zoom statt.
At this meeting we need to elect the officers and committee, approve the accounts and subscription rates for the coming season. We also are inviting members and friends to tell us how they would like the season to be run, with a view to deciding when to re-instate in person meetings, Zoom meetings or whether to have a blend of the two.
Auf Deutsch/ and English
At this meeting we need to elect the officers and committee, approve the accounts and subscription rates for the coming season. We also are inviting members and friends to tell us how they would like the season to be run, with a view to deciding when to re-instate in person meetings, Zoom meetings or whether to have a blend of the two.
Auf Deutsch/ and English