Sommerspaziergang 2023

Members of the German Club are invited to join our summer afternoon walk on 5th August from Gupshill Manor - save the date!

The walk is largely flat, besides a slope down to the river, and is partly the historic Battle Walk and the Deer Park Walk, returning by the riverside to Gupshill Manor and is expected to take around 2 hours.  It does involve crossing a busy road twice (in each direction), walking through long grass at the side of cornfields (in single file, the track is not always clear) and a downhill slope (not steep) through woodland to the river bank. Therefore it may be too challenging for some. But don't let that put you off entirely, you could always join the party at the end at Gupshill Manor for a cream tea.

Gupshill Manor would allow us to park there and they offer cream tea for £7.75 and they would like us to order before we start the walk. They also say

 Please feel welcome to bring your dog with you when dining here at the Gupshill Manor.

 Please inform us when making bookings as we only allow dogs in the hard floor areas
  not in the restaurant. We allow Guide Dogs anywhere throughout the pub.

There is seating outside which we would anticipate using so long as the weather is clement.

There is a bus stop shortly after Gupshill Manor which is served by the 41 bus from Cheltenham and there are buses going to Gloucester.


Am 5. August trotzte eine Gruppe von Mitgliedern und Freunden des Clubs dem Wetter für unseren Sommerspaziergang. Der Weg führte teilweise entlang des historischen Schlachtweges und ebenfalls entlang des Flusses Severn. Obwohl der Tag sehr regnerisch war, hatten wir Glück, dass der Regen während unserer zweistündigen Wanderung größtenteils ausblieb. Der Wind war trotz der Vorhersage auch freundlich. Anschließend konnten wir cream tea und andere leckere Gerichte im Gupshill Manor genießen.
Tewkesbury Battlefield WalkjpegTewkesbury Battlefield Walk 1jpeg
German Club at Gupshill Manor 1jpegGerman Club at Gupshill Manorjpeg