Click above for a full list of topics and speakers for the current season.

Talks are in German unless stated otherwise. Further information on recent talks may be found by clicking on the topic below.

We encourage anyone interested to join the club as a member, which helps us plan our activities, but guests are also welcome.

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Here you will find information about fees and membership and How To Contact Us.

Die Küche in der Marksburg Braubach

Members of the German Club are invited to join our summer afternoon walk on 5th August from Gupshill Manor - save the date!

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Vortrag bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprache und Kultur Cheltenham, 21. Apr 2023 um 19:00, Greg Arnold

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Vortrag bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprache und Kultur Cheltenham, 24. Feb 2023 um 19:00, Lucienne Landmann

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Vortrag bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprache und Kultur Cheltenham, 20. Jan 2023 um 19:00, Mark King

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Presentation at Cheltenham German Club, 14th Oct 2022 at 19:30, Eddie Vickers.

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